1. Dt-300l handheld led stroboscope
2. Dt-200lp fixed led stroboscope
3. Dt-03 Series Portable stroboscope
4. Dt-02 series fixed stroboscope
5. Epc-100 deviation correction controller
6. VPC synchronization controller
7. EPC deviation correction controller
1. Automatic color control system dy950
2. Tx-03 image detection (still drawing) system
3. Pcjdi electrostatic absorption control system
1. PLC bag making machine control system
2. Control system of HPLC high speed bag making machine
3. Hts01 high speed bag making machine digging ystem
4. Control system of hds0ib bag making machine
1. Dsc03t step bag machine control system
2. Dsc03 step bag machine control system
3. Hds03b servo bag making machine control system
4. Control system of hds03t he Fu bag making machine
1. Hsm03 high speed bag making machine control system
2. Hsm01 bag making machine control system
3. PLC bag making machine control system
4. HPLC high speed bag making machine control system
5. Electrical system of organ Department of square bag machine
Pdi-350 online (offline) detection system
Floor 3,Buliding 5,NO.588 Feijiatang Road,Xiacheng area,Hangzhou,China
Service Hotline: +86-571-28809800
Sales Hotline: +86-571-28809809 88480630